Friday, March 18, 2011

12 months old

Yes, our little man turned 1!  What a great time to reflect on so much change in 12 quick months.  Simeon has changed from being an 11lb chunk who could not distinguish night from day to a 25lb chunk who is trying to stabilize those wobbly legs to take a step. He clearly says dadda, momma, and to the correct person. His other favorite word being "quack, quack" which he shouts for any animal we talk about. He loves his sister and he and Hallel have created such a unique bond from being so close in age and sharing the same room. Hallel tells us all of the time how Simeon is talking to her and she repeats back his baby talk in their conversations.
I think one of the most real reflections for me is the memory of birth. It is just an amazing experience forever imprinted on my heart. I will never forget the excitement when Simeon was delivered. The cheers of the nurses in the room when they put him on the scale and yelled out 10lb 8oz! The nurses rushing in when he stopped breathing and the realization of God's constant presence when he started breathing again. Holding him for the first time. The feeling of being so close to Josh by going through something so intense and life changing together. Hallel's tears the first time she saw her brother cry. Such a significant day to be celebrated over and over!
So enough sentiment now to the day. Simeon was actually sick on his BD with the stomach flu a few days earlier and then a bronchial virus. Usually Simeon loves to eat but because of being sick he lost his appetite. We put his cake in front of him and he was less than impressed. So we thought we would give him a few days and try it again. Once again, big tears and sadness even when Josh fed him chocolate frosting! That's our boy, always a goof! Oh well, someday he'll figure cake is amazing.


  1. what a cute little cake! well, hey, at least big sis hallel could enjoy it =)

  2. What a great cake, Stacy! Yay for big boy Sim! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Simeon! I can't believe he is one!
