Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The letter "H"

 Today was a beautiful day and so the kids were outside playing with chalk and sticks and stuff. I was just grabbing dinner out of the oven and Josh had just come home from work when Hallel announced, "Look at my H"! Sure enough she had made the letter "H" on the cement with her side walk chalk. We obviously talk about this letter a lot because her name starts with it but neither Josh nor I had ever shown her how to make one. Josh then proceeded to teach her how to make an "A" too. It is so fun to see her learn.
Sim's making his own progress too. At every meal he used to stuff his food as full as he could in his mouth till gagging. And now he takes a bite and points to his mouth and tells us "chew dat".
Sim being a goof ball.
Hallel joining in on the fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Smart little girl - of course that's no surprise :) She is so cute...so is Sim...Stacy you are such a good Mom.
