Saturday, January 30, 2010

baby bellies

Baby bellies have a definite upside and downside to them.
The upside of having a baby belly is that you have a special connection with a lot of other moms. There are so many wonderful women where we live that either just had a baby or just found out they are pregnant. It is so fun to always have pregnant people bringing new life to our campus.
It has been special to be due a week and a half later than my good friend and recent co-worker Aubrey. We still hope that we will deliver at similar times and be down the hall from each other in the hospital.

Another belly bond is with Josh's sister Christy who is due about 2 weeks after us in March. We hope that these little bro cousins end up being good friends.

The down side is that people suddenly feel the need to say anything and everything that comes to their minds about you and your belly. I am not surprised by the comments any more but still bothered by them. Just today I was in line at the store and the cashier said that I looked like I was ready to pop today. What am I supposed to say to that? Thanks, I feel better now about the 5 weeks that I have left. Then I walked a few feet outside of the store and was greeted with another woman yelling to me, "I have to ask when you are due because it looks like any minute now" Thanks again. Yes, I did look in the mirror today and I am aware that I look like a hippo. And I do feel an oddly proportioned sized watermelon attached to my stomach. But I really didn't need that gasp and the emphatic reminder that I am not going to make it to my due date according to my size.

Ya know I have heard that it works both ways from my friends who do not show very much and people insist that they don't even look pregnant. I could go on with statements of things that people have said to me but I will stop with a gentle reminder. If you see someone who is pregnant please just smile at them and pretend like you think they have that mommy glow even if they look awful. Thanks.

Monday, January 18, 2010

December 25th, 2009

While most of you were celebrating Christmas and Jesus' birth (we were too) we also had a big girl one year old birthday for Hallel. The celebration actually started on Christmas Eve in Medford (with Stacy's family)and then continued on Christmas Day in Gresham (with Josh's family). We now know that Hallel likes chocolate cake and frosting, she can open presents without almost any help, and she likes being sung to. The proof is in the pictures!
It's funny, now that Hallel has turned one she looks so much older to us. It's like it happened over night!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I think that Josh and I are overly intrigued by the idea of Hallel growing hair on her head. Maybe its because people still call her a boy sometimes. (The barret above stayed in just long enough to take some pictures before falling out:))
Anyways, I am so excited about the progress but you can only tell right after bath time when it is sticking up all over the place. As soon as it dries the fine little pieces of beauty go back to their resting place. I know that I will regret this blog someday when it is a tangled mess. But for now this is our update ... more later!