Saturday, January 30, 2010

baby bellies

Baby bellies have a definite upside and downside to them.
The upside of having a baby belly is that you have a special connection with a lot of other moms. There are so many wonderful women where we live that either just had a baby or just found out they are pregnant. It is so fun to always have pregnant people bringing new life to our campus.
It has been special to be due a week and a half later than my good friend and recent co-worker Aubrey. We still hope that we will deliver at similar times and be down the hall from each other in the hospital.

Another belly bond is with Josh's sister Christy who is due about 2 weeks after us in March. We hope that these little bro cousins end up being good friends.

The down side is that people suddenly feel the need to say anything and everything that comes to their minds about you and your belly. I am not surprised by the comments any more but still bothered by them. Just today I was in line at the store and the cashier said that I looked like I was ready to pop today. What am I supposed to say to that? Thanks, I feel better now about the 5 weeks that I have left. Then I walked a few feet outside of the store and was greeted with another woman yelling to me, "I have to ask when you are due because it looks like any minute now" Thanks again. Yes, I did look in the mirror today and I am aware that I look like a hippo. And I do feel an oddly proportioned sized watermelon attached to my stomach. But I really didn't need that gasp and the emphatic reminder that I am not going to make it to my due date according to my size.

Ya know I have heard that it works both ways from my friends who do not show very much and people insist that they don't even look pregnant. I could go on with statements of things that people have said to me but I will stop with a gentle reminder. If you see someone who is pregnant please just smile at them and pretend like you think they have that mommy glow even if they look awful. Thanks.


  1. Good advice, Stacy. I'm sorry you have to endure so many comments.
    You ARE a beautiful, glowing Mama. We love you...
    Mom and Dad M.

  2. Dear Ms. Stacy,
    I'm pretty sure I only know you pregnant and it's something I LOVE about you!! :) I think you're just simply lovely. Really, I do. :)
    Miss Sarah.

  3. You are BEAUTIFUL, Stacy! And my goodness, I am getting tired of everyone's unwanted advice. I am 37 weeks pregnant (!) and I am so tired of people telling me what is best for me, asking why I am still working, etc, etc. I hope I still come across gracious because I am not feeling it on the inside!
    So happy for you and your growing family! This is Rachelle (your old hairdresser).
    Much love to you!

  4. First of all you are one of the prettiest pregnant ladies I have ever seen! I saw Shannon's photos of you guys and they are so adorable! 2nd of all Josh and his sister look so much a like!
    Isnt it funny all the comments people make, I remember one lady literally dropped her jaw when I was about to pop. :) You would think that after centuries of preggo's people would be used to it!?!

  5. people are annoying. but i have to admit, i remember saying, "you look like you're going to pop!" to pregnant women when i was a teen/young adult. i was immature and thought my comment was cute and funny. yeah, not really. so, when i was prego, i really had to have grace for people who said dumb things like that b/c sadly, that was me 5 years ago =)

  6. Oh my gosh. You still have FIVE weeks to go?! You look absolutely ready to burst from the picture you posted!!

    Ha, ha, ha - I'm just teasing you!! I couldn't resist!

    I hope you enjoy these last few weeks with your watermelon belly. That special time when only you get to cradle your little baby is a gift from God and I hope you soak up every last minute.

    I can't wait to see your (new) little one! Good luck!

  7. You really do look lovely. Angie Bowman and I got to labor in rooms next to each other at Rogue Valley. We didn't know until after that it was each other next door screaming! Now the girls (born the same day) are almost 7 and love the fact that they were born on the same day right next door!
    Looking forward to hearing of your little guy's arrival! How fun!

  8. Stacy - I've always thought that you were one of the cutest preggo ladies I've known ;-)

  9. stacy... ps i LOVE your preggo pics! i am just starting six months, and i have had people tell me my belly is tiny and that it is huge. i don't really think either, i think i just look pregnant! i will always be either bigger or smaller than others. i do wish people would just smile and say "how exciting" or "children are a blessing". the size of my belly is not what matters. my love for my child and heart is what matters. thanks for bringing this up.

    Amanda Burleson (Auer)
