Monday, February 15, 2010

February 10th

I love the fact that Josh and I were married right before Valentines Day. It feels like all of the stores are getting festive for our Anniversary! Josh and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this February and I still can't believe that we have been married that long! It was a special day to just stop and remember. I think with the new year and the baby coming our minds have been elsewhere and it seemed like the clock just slowed for one day and we took time to remember who we are and where we have come from. Basically, how there is no way that we would be married if it were not for the Lord! He has been so kind and so gracious and we are excited about what He is doing in our marriage for the long haul. We both reflected on how marriage is one of the hardest things that either of us have ever worked on and yet at the same time one of the most rewarding and worthwhile. I can see why God invented it and knows how to do it best!
Enough philosophizing here is what made it special! We both had busy mornings and then our sweet friends came over and watched Hallel while Josh and I saw The Book of Eli (Josh got movie tickets for $2, good job!) It is not one that we would recommend to our families, lots of violence. But we both really liked it and have liked talking about it for days after. Really inspiring thoughts about the Bible and faith. Then we came home and took our little sweetie pie to one of our favorite places, the Macaroni Grill thanks to gifts cards from Sara!
Unfortunately we only have one picture from the day when we are all tired putting Hallel to bed. But we will always have the memories!


  1. happy anniversary guys! sounds like a great day.

  2. Happy Anniversary! It was so great to be there at your wedding, and now I can't believe that it's already been four years. I think you should start planning a fifth anniversary trip our way!

  3. I am so glad I stumbled upon this blog. Congratulation on 4 years. Jeff and I just celebrated 3 years and are looking forward to Levi's first birthday on Friday. Where does the time go. Congrats on the new little one growing as well. Levi moved non stop when I was pregnant and still hasn't stopped. You'll have your hands full, but it's so fun.
