Well the Mathews pad is on its way to being baby proofed because our little scooter is about to become a crawler. Who knows the day? But the question is, will we be ready? Of course not! How can you be ready for a little 20lb body that can fit into the smallest awkward of spaces with tiny little fingers that can grab just about anything? I don't think you can be ready. But with covers on our outlets and locks on our cabinets, we will try.
Right now Hallel is really good at going backwards and just mastered the bootie to knees and back to bootie trick so it is just a matter of time. Sometimes she gets up on her feet and scoots forward but just can't get those knees into the action yet. She also loves to just stand and hold on to her exer-saucer. She can stand for a good 5 min or more without falling. Can you tell we are proud?
I had a Nostalgic moment this week while making some pillows to liven up our bed and couches. I was hand sewing them and was reminded of my Great Grandma Kyker who used to make huge quilts by hand. I can't believe the time it must have taken her to make one. Ah the good ole days.
Josh is getting back into school mode as next week starts Seminar week and comprehensive exams the next week for him. Then he will start teaching Hebrew and researching his Dissertation topic. Please keep praying for him.
I love her expressions! It was wonderful to be with you all last week - even for just a day!