I was struck last Friday when we had our first practice in the chapel with the 2-4 yr olds at the preschool when they came to the simple and ageless song, "Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World". They were especially loud as these mostly unchurched children belted out a song they love. I thought, "they get it, they Know that Jesus loves them no matter who they are!" What joy this must bring to the Father's heart who made His children to praise Him with a full heart!
I can only await with a heart of expectation at the daily lessons that Josh and I will learn from this little life that He has given us charge of for this time.
How great a love the Lord has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!
Random pics that we thought you would like!
Josh and I at our favorite Mill Valley square. We rode our bikes down for a picnic lunch and game of Settlers.
Celebrating Josh's first year of Seminars at PF Chang's - Yummy!
Giants game in the City with our friends, Josh and Elizabeth Howeth.
Josh puting another log on, camping at Clear Lake and our first Mother's Day celebration (I had a craving for a bagel with cream cheese) at the cutest coffee shop/garden in Sonoma, thanks Josh!
That's all folks!