Saturday, February 2, 2008

What does the Academy Know? A Lesson for the Mathews

Last night we went to a movie. After a busy week we thought it might be a fun and relaxing way to spend a couple hours. Boy were we wrong in this case. We saw There Will Be Blood. It's up for academy awards and from the description it sounded interesting. We are highly recommending that you never watch it, either in the theater or on dvd. It was a good lesson for us and we will be watching fewer movies for a while just to minimize the chances that we'll have to sit through something like that again. In hindsight we should have gotten up and walked out 30 minutes into it, but we both expected it to turn some kind of corner and at least become a little entertaining or interesting. Nope. Not only did it have disturbing and depressing (not to mention sacrilegious) themes, but it also was quite slow and boring, not very visually interesting at all, lacking a discernible plot, and way too long. It had very little if any of the typical things that would have kept us away--like language, nudity, or excessive violence--but was full of stuff very contrary to what we ought to fill our minds with as Christians. I had to apologize to Stacy for taking her and I didn't really want to confess on here that we saw it, but we wanted to do our part in trying to keep 2 1/2 hours of your lives free from that trash. Please don't see it.


  1. Thanks for the heads-up. A good lesson to pass on. Personally, I generally would avoid anything with "blood" in the title! :}
    Love, Mom

  2. Hey, thanks for putting a link to our blog on your blog! That rocks. Hope life is going well for you two.

  3. happy anniversary guys! we had lots of fun on friday night. thanks for having us!

  4. Thanks for the warning! (Not that we were planning on seeing it... movies here are at least $10 and there are no matinee' prices so we rarely go...) Sorry you lost those two hours of your life!! I hate it when that happens!
