Thursday, April 24, 2008

One Week and Counting . . .

In a little over one week Josh will have successfully completed his first year of the PHD program!!!! WOW! Praise and thanksgiving to our gracious God. It does not seem like two semesters have passed. Josh just finished an extra class this week and will turn in a paper tomorrow on Hermenuetics. Then next week he will present at Seminars and interact with his colleagues' papers. And on Saturday we will be celebrating!

Only three more weeks until the Spring Program at the preschool and the kids are working hard on their songs and lines.

We are definitely on the countdown! The best part is that we end up in Medford and then Portland to see our families over Memorial Day Weekend. It is amazing what impact of seeing family has as an incentive for us.

I want to tell you about our perfect day even though we don't have any pictures to comemorate it. It started out with an amazing 85 degree day about two Saturday's ago. We went on a bike ride into a fun (little Italy-style) town called Sausalito. We were looking for a beach that someone had told us about and found it. It was also a Kayak rental area that was affordable to our surprise! So we rowed out into the bay for about 40 min among the private boats and yachts. Very fun and a great upper body work out. After riding our bikes back to our car we took off towards Stinson beach. It was beautiful there and so we camped out on our blankets in the sand for several hours to play Settler's of Catan (our favorite board game). We headed home with the sunset in our rear view mirrors and picked up some Grilly's (a Mexican take out spot in Mill Valley) and hung out at home. It was one of those days that you just cannot express how sweet and connected you feel to one another, definitely a gift from The Lord! We just thought that we would share it with those that would have been fun to have along with us:)

One more thing, I started a hobby that has been such a fun outlet! I have been using left over paper from our wedding to make some fun cards. Check it out on the website. My "shop" is at Don't feel like you need to buy anything just have fun looking at a great creative website.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Got Brackets?

During this last month, which has been pretty busy for both of us, we have somehow been lured into the madness of the NCAA basketball tournament. Between friends from home, buddies from Wheaton, and a campus pool (no money involved. It's a Baptist seminary remember.), we have been following seven different brackets. We've been able to watch part of just a couple games online but we have kept up on the results, and crossing out our wrong picks and circling our right picks. Some of the brackets have not gone well at all (many more crossed out teams than circled ones), but Stacy's for the seminary was fourth out of probably about fifty until Saturday, and another one could win against some other friends if Memphis beats Kansas tomorrow night. So go Memphis! And thank you March Madness for a fun outlet.

This is our bracket door.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Dear Dad

As Josh and I were on our way to the beach on Easter Sunday we stopped to take pictures at a sign that we had stumbled across on our first trip to the beach months ago. This sign takes me back to my childhood. You see, I remember sitting around the dining room table after we scraped the food off our plates and we were listening wide eyed to stories that we loved to picture in the imaginations of our minds. I remember loving to hear stories about my dad's childhood when he and his brother and dog, Tippy, would run through the woods and cross trees over the river and play "King of the Jungle". This playground of trees and water and exciting stories are not so far from home anymore.

This is Forest Knolls. It is about 20 min. from where we live and is where my dad grew in his love of the outdoors and God's mighty Creation. He and his family were one of the few houses on the knoll and since they were still feeling the effects of the war, a huge forest was the perfect setting for his siblings and him. With his dad painting in the city at San Fransisco State there was plenty of time for exploring when he was gone during the week.

It is amazing to think what an impact this setting has had on my dad's spiritual life and values and how I never thought that I would live so close to some of my roots.
Thank you dad for passing on a love for the outdoors and giving the Creator all glory for His beautiful works, for taking us to Lake of the Woods so many times, for teaching us how to climb and repel down moutains, for being a park ranger one summer, and for still being astounded by the magnificience of the clouds and birds.
So thank you dad for the fasinating stories then as they still live on now . . .

And these are our friends on our own little knoll on campus!

Josh and I cannot be more thankful for the godly heritages that we are both blessed to have!
And on that nastalgic note, Dad Mathews, this one's for you . . .

We couldn't pass up the chance to capture this Riviera in all her glory.